Savannah Concussion and Head Injury Attorneys

Stephen R. Hasner
Managing Partner at Hasner Law PC
March 7, 2025

Savannah Concussion and Head Injury Attorneys

Savannah is the oldest city in Georgia and is now the third-largest metropolitan area in the state. Home to over 384,000, the Savannah metro area attracts even more visitors due to its history, beauty, and status as an important seaport on the Atlantic.

This bustling city has a lot to offer both residents and tourists; however, individuals in Savannah are subject to the same risks and hardships as those in other cities across Georgia and the U.S. Specifically, numerous accidents happen in Savannah every day and can result in a range of serious injuries—including concussions and head injuries.

Any time you hit your head or experience a sharp jolt of your head, you are at risk for a range of head injuries. This can include concussions, moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries, skull fractures, subdural hematomas, hemorrhaging, and more. Head trauma can easily damage the brain tissue, which can disrupt cognitive, physical, and behavioral functioning. Many head injury victims need to be hospitalized and may require surgery and substantial rehabilitative services. Many head injuries can cause permanent impairments that can disrupt many aspects of a victim’s life.

At Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys, our injury lawyers regularly represent individuals in the Savannah area who have suffered concussions and other serious head injuries. If you would like to learn about your legal rights after this type of injury, please contact our office to set up your free consultation.

Accidents that Cause Concussions and Head Trauma

MRI brain scan

Concussions and head injuries can occur in many ways. As mentioned, any time you suffer any type of trauma to the head, damage can occur to the skull or brain. Some examples of accidents that commonly result in this type of injury include:

Motor vehicle crashes – Traffic accidents are one of the most common causes of concussions and head injuries. Many vehicle occupants can hit their heads on the inside of the car upon impact or simply experience a jolt that is sharp enough to cause a brain injury. People who are riding motorcycles, riding bicycles, or walking are at an especially high risk of suffering a head injury. Even approved safety helmets cannot always protect a motorcyclist or bicyclist from suffering head trauma. Furthermore, pedestrians often have no protection at all in an accident, and they commonly hit their heads on the vehicle, the ground, or other nearby objects.

Sports injuries – In recent years, increased attention has been focused on the prevalence of concussions and head injuries in certain contact sports – specifically, football, hockey, and soccer. Players have a high risk of getting hit in the head, especially if they are not properly supervised, trained, or provided with the necessary safety equipment. These are not the only sports that come with the risk of head injuries, as even seemingly safe sports such as golf can result in a hit to the head by a ball or other equipment.

Falls – Falls are another leading cause of concussions and similar injuries. Falls from heights – such as down the stairs or from a ladder – commonly result in a serious blow to the head. However, even slip and falls on level ground can cause a person to hit their head and experience a concussion. Small children and seniors are at a particularly high risk of falls, though this type of accident can happen to anyone.

Workplace accidents – Almost every job comes with some risk of injury, and head injuries are no different. Job-related head injuries can result from falls, slip and falls, getting hit by falling objects, vehicle accidents, power tool accidents, and more. Anytime you get hit in the head at work, you should inform your employer and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

No matter how your head injury occurred, you may have important legal rights to compensation for your medical bills and other losses. You should always have a skilled concussion and head injury attorney evaluate your case for free as soon as your condition is stable.

Concussions Can Be Serious

Concussions are classified as “mild” traumatic brain injuries, however, this does not mean this injury should ever be taken lightly. Concussions can wreak havoc on your life and can have many symptoms, including:

  • Disorientation
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Headaches
  • Loss of consciousness

All of the above can affect your day-to-day life for weeks and you may have to miss work or school for an extended period of time. You should always ensure that you receive a proper diagnosis of a concussion so you can receive the treatment you need and take the necessary precautions to prevent further injury or complications.

Seeking Compensation for Your Head Injury Losses


Georgia law allows injured accident victims to seek compensation for their losses from any negligent parties that caused their accidents. Determining which parties may be held liable can be challenging in many cases and our experienced attorneys can help you identify your legal options. We regularly help clients recover for the following and more:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Past and future lost income
  • Pain and suffering

In many cases, our legal team can resolve your case through an insurance settlement while in others, we can file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf. If your accident happened at work, we can assist you with the workers’ compensation claim process. In any situation, it is critical to have the right representation to ensure that you receive all financial recovery for your concussion or head injury. We handle the legal process for you so that you can focus on the treatment you need to recover from your injury.

Contact a Savannah Concussion and Head Injury Lawyer for a Free Initial Consultation

After any type of accident, you should always be aware of the possible signs of a head injury. If anything seems out of the ordinary, you should not wait to see a medical professional to determine whether you have a concussion or another type of head trauma. If you are diagnosed with any type of injury in the Savannah area, you should not delay in contacting Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys. Call our dedicated attorneys at 912-234-2334 or contact us online today.

Author Stephen Headshot
Managing Partner at Hasner Law PC
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Stephen Hasner is the founder and managing partner of Hasner Law PC. Since being licensed in Florida in 1997 and in Georgia in 1999, Stephen has worked tirelessly to help Georgia residents navigate the legal process following a serious injury. This includes injuries sustained at work, in motor vehicle accidents, and in cases of personal injury. The team at Hasner Law is dedicated to securing compensation for their clients who have been injured through no fault of their own.