Stephen Hasner | Car Accidents | October 5, 2022

T-bone accidents get their name for the position where one car collides with another – the front of one intersects with the other’s broadside, forming a T-shape.
T-bones are often catastrophic, resulting in serious injury. One driver in the accident experiences a head-on collision, while the other one may be struck on the part of the car that doesn’t offer protection from airbags, like the door.
In Georgia, the driver responsible for the accident carries liability for the damages the other party suffers, including injury and property damages. This is why it’s critical for your car accident attorney to establish the other party’s liability.
Establishing Fault in a T-Bone Accident
A T-bone collision is usually caused by one driver failing to yield the right of way to the other. T-bones often happen at intersections, such as those guided by a traffic signal, or may occur on roads where the right of way isn’t clearly marked. Common T-bone scenarios include:
- One driver runs a red light and collides with a car legally crossing on green
- One driver ignores a stop sign and hits a car crossing the road in front of them
- A car attempts to “beat” a blinking left turn signal and hits another driver
Usually, fault in a T-bone accident is attributed to the driver who didn’t have the right of way. And that driver is guilty of violating Georgia traffic laws, too.
For this reason, always call the police after a T-bone accident. The responding officer knows the traffic laws in Georgia and can determine who did and didn’t have the right of way; they’ll include this information in the police accident report. Your car accident lawyer will need an accident report as part of your case.
Can Both Drivers in a T-Bone Accident Be at Fault for the Collision?
Although in most T-bone accident cases, the driver failing to yield the right of way is the one at fault, there are some circumstances where both drivers share some of the responsibility.
For example, one driver may have been turning left when they didn’t have the right of way, but the other driver may have been speeding and collided with them by closing the gap too rapidly.
Even if you think you are at fault for the car accident, it’s still important to call the police, file a report (it’s also required per Georgia law), and consult with a car accident lawyer to protect your legal interests and rights. You can still recover compensation in a Georgia car accident so long as you are not 50% or more at fault.
Establishing Fault in a T-Bone Collision
As a T-bone accident victim, you’re entitled to file a lawsuit for damages against the driver that hit you. However, their insurance company isn’t just going to hand over money to cover your medical bills and replace your car.
Your car accident attorney’s job is to build your case against the responsible party. They use several elements of proof, like:
- The police accident report
- Witness statements, either from the accident report or the lawyer’s investigation
- Videos and photos of the accident scene or traffic cam or CCTV footage
- Assessment of the vehicle damages, which sheds light on the cause of accidents
Any car accident law firms use expert accident reconstruction to demonstrate how the accident occurred, based on the facts collected from the sources above, to demonstrate how the accident happened and why one party is clearly at fault. This service is important to consider when you’re selecting your legal representation.
Contact the Atlanta Car Accident Lawyers at Hasner Law, P.C. For Help
For more information, please contact the Atlanta car accident law firm of Hasner Law P.C. at our nearest location to schedule a free consultation today.
We serve in Fulton County, Chatham County, and its surrounding areas:
Hasner Law PC – Atlanta Law Office
2839 Paces Ferry Rd SE #1050
Atlanta, GA 30339
(678) 888-4878
Hasner Law PC – Savannah Law Office
221 W York St
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 234-2334