How Long Do You Have To File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Georgia?

If you suffer a work-related accident that can be attributed to your employer, your first option is generally to file a workers’ compensation claim. The State Board of Workers’ Compensation governs workers’ compensation claims in […]

How Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Work in Georgia?

Georgia workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injury or illness. Workers’ comp is mandatory for most employers. When a workers’ compensation claim arises, an employee has […]

Can My Employer Lay Me Off While I Am Receiving Workers’ Compensation in Savannah?

In accordance with Georgia law, workers’ compensation benefits provide financial support to injured employees. These benefits may include medical care, lost earnings, and other financial assistance. Nevertheless, receiving workers’ compensation does not guarantee you will […]

Choosing a Doctor in Workers’ Compensation Cases in Savannah, GA

The Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation provides essential benefits to employees. If you are injured on the job, you don’t need to worry about how you will prove your employer was at fault because […]

Mileage Reimbursement Rate in Georgia for Workers’ Compensation

In Georgia, anyone who becomes injured on the job is eligible for mileage reimbursement per Georgia’s workers’ compensation laws.  Mileage reimbursement helps individuals pay for care-related transportation, and employers are responsible for meeting these legal […]

Workers’ Comp Benefits After Termination in Georgia

You could be fired in Georgia before or after you begin receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Because Georgia is an at-will employment state, employers can fire workers without reason or notice. Other than in cases that […]

Refusing a Drug Test After a Workplace Accident

Being injured on the job can cause a great deal of stress. Knowing that you can receive medical treatment and wage benefits by filing a workers’ comp claim can reduce some of the anxiety.  Generally, […]

Can You Be Disqualified From Receiving Workers’ Compensation In Georgia?

Workers’ compensation compensates you for work-related injuries. It is a no-fault system, meaning you can win compensation even when your injury was your fault. However, you cannot receive certain kinds of compensation that you can […]

Workers’ Comp Exemptions in Georgia

Were you injured on the job in Georgia? Wondering if you’re entitled to workers’ compensation? Most employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance that provides certain benefits to employees in the event of a workplace accident. […]

Workers’ Compensation Lawyer 101: Can You Sue Your Employer for Negligence as an Injured Worker in Savannah, GA?

Georgia’s workers’ compensation system covers most workplace injuries in Savannah. Workers’ compensation acts as insurance coverage for on-the-job accidents.  It provides income, medical, and rehabilitation benefits for works who sustain a workplace injury or illness. […]