Should I Try to Handle My Atlanta Car Accident Claim on My Own First?

In the aftermath of a car accident, accident victims often wonder whether they really need a lawyer to help them recover compensation from insurance companies or other parties responsible for paying them for their injuries […]

What Does the Law Consider a Hit and Run in Savannah?

In Chatham County, home to Savannah, car accidents have almost tripled during a recent five year period, from more than 5,600 to more than 15,000, and fatalities more than doubled. A good number of them […]

My Doctor Says to Keep My Workload Light, but My Boss Disagrees. Who Should I Listen To?

A doctor may decide that a patient needs to reduce his or her workload for many different reasons. Common reasons in Savannah include: A prescription medication that makes you groggy An injury that needs rest […]

I Recently Hurt My Back at Work, but I Have a Previous Back Injury. Will That Affect My Claim in Georgia?

Individuals often wonder what they can do if they sustain a back injury at work, but already suffer from such an injury. Far too many people fail to seek legal advice because they assume that […]

The Most Dangerous Intersections in Atlanta, Georgia

Georgia is one of the most dangerous states for drivers, but officials have started a movement aimed at reducing traffic fatalities by 41 individuals each year. Unfortunately, between 2016 and 2017, the state failed to […]

Do I Have to Give the Other Driver’s Insurance Adjuster a Statement after a Savannah Car Accident?

When you’re seriously injured in an auto accident, for a short period of time you become the focus of attention. Police officers, doctors, auto repair shops, car rental companies … everyone wants to hear your […]

The Deadliest Workplace Injuries in Georgia

In 2016, 171 people were killed in workplace incidents throughout Georgia. This number is down slightly from 180 individuals killed in work-related accidents in 2015, but is substantially higher than the 117 killed in 2013 […]

Are You the Victim of Construction Employer Negligence in Georgia?

In recent years, Savannah has experienced a boom in construction throughout the city. In 2016, the city issued building permits for projects that totaled $574 million, a 40 percent increase from the previous year. This […]

Rainy Day Danger: Wet Weather and Multi-Car Crashes in Atlanta

According to the Federal Highway Administration, roughly 22 percent of car accidents are weather-related, with the lion’s share related to rainfall. Considering that Atlanta receives nearly 50 inches of rain per year, and has a […]

Dooring Accidents in Savannah

With summer in full swing, more people are taking their bicycles out to enjoy the summer weather. Savannah’s warm weather and flat roads make it the perfect spot for cycling. While biking is a healthy […]