Is Lane Splitting Legal in Georgia?

Motorcycles are a popular form of transportation in Georgia. They are an easy way to zip through heavy Atlanta traffic as well as the perfect vehicle to enjoy a sunny day on country roads.  Many […]

Can a Car Accident Claim Be Reopened?

Car accidents frequently happen when other drivers are negligent, such as by engaging in distracted driving, drinking and driving, or exhibiting road rage. In most situations, once a car accident case is resolved through settlement […]

What to Do if Your Workers’ Compensation Claim is Denied?

Individuals who suffer an injury or illness while on the job and working within the scope of their employment may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim. However, in some cases, the State Board […]

How To File a Georgia Workers’ Comp Claim

Georgia’s workers’ compensation insurance generally covers injuries at work, regardless of fault. Therefore, filing a claim for workers’ compensation should be straightforward. However, benefits for your workers’ comp claim are not guaranteed. If you have […]

Basic Personal Injury Settlement Breakdown: How Much Goes in My Pocket After a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Atlanta?

One of the most common questions Atlanta personal injury lawyers receive is: How much is my case worth? After being harmed in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, it makes sense that […]

Do Self-Employed Individuals Need Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Georgia?

Workplace injuries and accidents are common. Millions of workers are injured on the job each year. In 2021, over 2.6 million nonfatal injuries were reported in the private sector alone.  Workers’ compensation provides benefits for […]

Can My Boss Cut My Hours If I Apply for Workers’ Comp?

Can my boss cut my hours if I apply for workers compensation? If you’ve been injured on the job, you’re probably facing many challenges. Pain, medical bills, doctor visits, lost income, and stress often accompany […]

The Difference Between Worker’s Compensation and Personal Injury in Georgia

Every year, thousands of Georgia workers face life-altering injuries on the job, leaving them wondering how they’ll cover medical bills and lost wages. At the same time, others sustain injuries outside of work due to […]

Are Employers Required To Offer Workers Compensation in Georgia?

Under the Georgia Workers Compensation Act, any employer with three or more employees, even part-time employees, must carry workers’ compensation insurance. Even companies with one or two employees must carry workers’ compensation insurance if they are a […]

What to Expect After a Car Accident

Each year, over 100,000 car accidents occur on Georgia roads, leaving countless lives disrupted. The moments following a crash fill with overwhelming uncertainty and anxiety. What happens next? Who will cover the medical bills, and […]