Atlanta 3M Earplugs Lawsuits
NOTE: Our law firm does not handle these cases. This article is for informational purposes only. Information found in the article does not constitute as formal legal advice and does not create an attorney/client relationship.
Thousands of military personnel have filed lawsuits alleging 3M Combat Arms earplugs are defective. The lawsuits allege the defective 3M earplugs caused permanent hearing loss and damages. To date, juries have awarded millions of dollars to plaintiffs.
Our lawyers at Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys, can help you with a personal injury claim. However, the time to file lawsuits against 3M Corp. and other defendants is limited by the statutes of limitation. Therefore, we urge you to reach out to our Atlanta, GA, law firm for a free case evaluation.
Contact a lawyer if you served in the U.S. Military and used 3M Combat Arms earplugs. An experienced Atlanta product liability lawyer will review your case and provides legal advice regarding your claim.
What Are 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs?
Military service members are exposed to loud noises in combat, training, and other situations. The loud noise can cause hearing loss or tinnitus. 3M Company sold combat earplugs to the government.
The earplugs allegedly were designed to block loud noises from entering the ear canal. However, the unique design of the earplugs allowed service members to maintain situational awareness by hearing conversations and other sounds.
Service members reported that the earplugs did not fit correctly within the ear canal or became loose. The alleged design defect increased the risk of developing tinnitus or hearing loss. A whistleblower exposed the design flaw.
In July 2018, the Department of Justice announced the 3M Company agreed to a settlement of $9.1 million regarding claims that it supplied defective products to the United States military. The company had not disclosed defects in the dual-ended Combat Arms Earplugs Version 2 that impacted the effectiveness of the hearing protection.
The settlement with the government did not compensate veterans or current service members injured because of the defective earplugs.
Lawsuits Filed Against 3M Company Seeking Compensation for Damages
Thousands of service members have filed suit against 3M, seeking compensation for damages caused by the defective combat earplugs. The cases have been consolidated into a multi-district litigation (MDL) action in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida.
The 3M Combat Arms Earplug Products Liability Litigation is not a class-action lawsuit. Each lawsuit filed against 3M remains separate and is heard by a different jury. The cases are consolidated in one location for pre-trial discovery to save time and money for all parties.
The lawsuits allege that the dual-ended Combat Earplugs did not filter noise as claimed. The defect resulted in injuries, including hearing loss and tinnitus. As a result, the service members sustained damages.
A veteran might qualify to file a 3M earplugs lawsuit if they were in the military from 2003 through 2015 when 3M combat earplugs were used, and they used the defective earplugs. The service member has the burden of proving the use of the earplugs resulted in their injuries and damages.
Signs and Symptoms of Service-Related Hearing Loss
Loss of hearing is a common disability claim for service members. The loud noise from combat and other duties can cause severe hearing damage. As a result, millions of veterans receive compensation for tinnitus or disability compensation for service-related hearing loss.
Signs of tinnitus or hearing loss include, but are not limited to:
- Trouble hearing conversation, including asking people to speak louder or repeat what they said
- Ringing or buzzing in one or both ears
- Turning up the sound on cell phones, televisions, and other electronic devices because it is difficult to hear
- Difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds
- Sounds are muffled
- Have a “full” feeling in one or both ears
- Trouble sleeping, focusing, or concentrating
If you were diagnosed with hearing loss or tinnitus after using 3M earplugs during your military service, you could be entitled to compensation for injuries and damages.
The compensation includes economic damages, such as out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, and medical bills. You could also receive compensation for non-economic damages, including permanent impairments, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.
Schedule a Free Consultation With A Atlanta Product Liability Lawyer Today
3M earplug lawsuits continue to go to jury trials. Juries have been awarded multi-million dollar awards. Jury verdicts to date range from $1.1 million to $110 million.