Atlanta Knee Injury Lawyer

Have you suffered a knee injury in a car accident or workplace accident in Atlanta, GA? The experienced Atlanta knee injury lawyers at Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys, can help you seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.
We’ll exhaust all potential courses of recovery – including workers’ compensation and third party claims. Contact our law office to schedule a free consultation to learn more today.
How Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys, Can Help You Seek Compensation For Your Knee Injury

A knee injury not only can cause physical pain, but it can also bring financial hardship due to missed work and medical expenses. After receiving a diagnosis from your doctor, your next step should be to call the knowledgable lawyers at Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for help.
We’ll do all the necessary work to find out if you have a personal injury claim. For example, we will evaluate your worker’s compensation coverage, Social Security disability benefits, and any other options.
Once we determine you have a case, we will assist you in everything you need to file your claim and, if necessary, we will represent you in court.
We offer a free consultation, so give us a quick call to learn more about your rights and options today.
Knee Injuries Are Incredibly Common

Workplace knee injuries account for more than 150,000 of all workplace injuries in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Data from 2018 shows that knee injuries impacted 1,760 workers in Georgia.
The BLS also reports that, next to back injuries, knees are the second most commonly injured body part that results in one or more days away from work among private industry and state/local government employees.
Although knee injuries are most common in construction jobs, they can occur in any workplace. If you are experiencing knee pain, you’ll want to consult an Atlanta knee injury attorney to find out your rights.
Leading Causes of Workplace Knee Injuries
As the largest joint in the body, the knee consists of bones and soft tissues, including cruciate ligaments, collaterals, and menisci. We use the knee to stand up, to sit down, and to lift objects. It bears our weight when we walk, run, squat, crawl, kneel, and bend.
Heavy lifting, especially when workers do not follow correct lifting procedures, is the leading cause of workplace knee injuries.
Falls can cause knee damage to the tendons, ligament, and bone. Other workplace knee injuries result from workers banging their knees on workplace equipment while performing manual labor.
This knee absorbs up to four times our body weight when we walk and 10 times our body weight when we run. When you look at it that way, it’s not surprising that the knee is prone to injury from overuse and accidents.
Knee injuries that can result from an accident include:
- Sprains or strains. These injuries to the knee’s soft tissue often result from twisting or turning the knee.
- Torn meniscus. A fall, slip, or trip can tear the meniscus, which is the piece of cartilage that cushions and stabilizes the knee.
- Torn ligaments. These injuries can include the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).
- Broken bones. Typically caused by a hard fall, these injuries can include a fractured kneecap, femur, tibia, or fibula.
- Dislocated kneecap. Injury results when the patella bone, which sits at the front of the knee, moves out of its normal position.
Knee injuries that can result from overuse include:
- Bursitis. This condition involves inflammation of the small fluid sacs that lubricate and cushion the knee.
- Iliotibial band syndrome. This condition is an inflammation of the fibrous tissue on the outside of the thigh.
- Tendinitis. This injury involves inflammation of the knee’s tendons.
- Tendinosis. Small, painful tears can occur in the tendons of the knee.
- Plica syndrome. This syndrome involves a thickening of the knee ligaments of the knee or folding of the ligaments.
- Patellofemoral syndrome. This term refers to a painful condition in the front of the knee.
Workers that must stand for prolonged periods or walk on hard, concrete floors can experience knee pain as their knee cartilage can begin to degenerate.
What Should You Do If You Injure Your Knee At Work in Atlanta?
If you have knee pain or have experienced a knee injury at work, it is crucial to get a doctor’s advice as soon as possible. Sometimes returning to work can cause further pain and harm.
Your doctor might advise you to put your leg up and use a hot or cold compress to reduce swelling and encourage more blood flow. In some cases, the knee can heal with a little time and rest. In other cases, a knee injury might need more treatment or even surgery.
Be sure to notify your employer immediately. Georgia law requires prompt notice if you want to preserve your right to pursue benefits from your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance policy.
And, always contact a lawyer to discuss your case and learn about your rights. Getting one of our Atlanta injury attorneys involved in the early stages can help you walk away with the money you need and deserve.
Contact Our Atlanta Knee Injury Lawyer For A Free Consultation
Knee injuries can happen at any job, but they often occur spontaneously without anyone’s fault or negligence.
In order to file a personal injury claim in Georgia, you have to prove that someone was negligent. The experienced team of Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys, will evaluate your situation and guide you through any legal steps you can take.
We will examine how you became injured, whether that injury could have been prevented, and who could have prevented it. If you’re entitled to compensation, we will do everything in our power to exhaust your benefits and maximize your financial award.
Your first consultation is free, so call our Atlanta knee injury lawyers to get started today.