Atlanta Never Event Malpractice Lawyer
Physicians and healthcare providers in Atlanta, GA, are not perfect; they make medical errors more often than you might think. A study by John Hopkins suggests that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. Medical errors can result in permanent impairments, injuries, and illnesses.
Often medical errors and negligence trigger a medical malpractice claim. Some medical malpractice cases are based on what we refer to as “never events.” These mistakes are so egregious they should never happen.
If you suffered injury from a never event, Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys can help you recover compensation for your damages. We’ve been helping injury victims for decades and have recovered millions to date. Contact us today by calling our law office at (678) 888-4878 to schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta never event malpractice lawyer.
How Can Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Help You After a Never Event Injury in Atlanta?
Never events should never happen — but they do. These medical mistakes can cost patients hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and lost income. You deserve compensation if you were the victim of a never event. An Atlanta medical malpractice attorney can help you get it.
Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys has over 80 years of combined experience fighting for the rights of injury victims in Atlanta, Georgia. We’ve recovered millions of dollars for our clients when they needed it most.
You can count on us to:
- Investigate your medical provider’s mistake to gather evidence of negligence
- Calculate the full extent of your damages, with expert help
- Negotiate with the hospital and insurance company for a high-value settlement
You need skilled legal representation after your never event. Contact us today for a free consultation with an Atlanta personal injury lawyer.
What is a Never Event?
The term “never event” was first used by Dr. Ken Kizer in 2001 to describe shocking medical errors. The term has evolved to include adverse events that are measurable and clearly identifiable. Never events also include serious events that usually result in disability or death and are generally preventable.
The AHRQ (Agency for Health Research and Quality) has identified 29 “serious reportable events” that qualify as never events.
It has arranged the events into seven categories:
- Procedural or surgical events
- Radiologic events
- Device or product events
- Environmental events
- Care management events
- Patient protection events
- Criminal events
These events may be rare, but their consequences are often catastrophic for the patient.
What Are Common Examples of Never Events?
One study found that never events in surgery were a “major cause” of medical errors.
Examples of never events include, but are not limited to:
- Surgical errors like operating on the wrong body site
- Leaving foreign objects in a patient’s body after surgery
- Performing the wrong procedure
- Misuse of a medical device
- Using a contaminated medical device
- Metal objects introduced into the MRI area
- Discharging a patient who cannot care for themselves to someone who is not an authorized person
- Medication errors that result in severe harm or death
- Unsafe administration of blood products
- Serious injury or death caused by a fall while receiving treatment in a healthcare setting
- Surgery performed on the wrong patient
- Injury or death to a newborn during a low-risk delivery
- Bedsores that are Stage 3, 4, or unstageable that developed while being cared for in a healthcare facility
- Patients who receive burns from any source while being treated in a healthcare facility
John Hopkins patient safety researchers estimate that 80,000 never events occurred in American hospitals from 1990 to 2010. They believe the estimates are on the low side.
In addition to the above examples of never events, criminal events are also on the list. For example, abduction, sexual abuse, and physical assault of a patient in a healthcare facility are never events.
What Are the Costs and Damages of a Never Event for the Patient?
The cost of preventable never events for the patient can be extremely high. In terms of physical trauma, the patient may sustain a variety of injuries or illnesses because of a never event. Some patients may sustain permanent disabilities or impairments that significantly reduce their quality and enjoyment of life.
Patients who heal from never event injuries might incur substantial medical bills that they would have otherwise not incurred. They may also miss additional time from work, which could result in a substantial loss of income. Patients who have impairments may face a lifetime of medical bills, personal care costs, and loss of income.
The emotional and mental suffering can also be extreme. A victim of a never event may need to learn how to function with limitations and impairments. They may not be able to return to ordinary daily activities or resume sports, recreational, and other activities. The emotional and mental trauma could lead to PTSD, depression, anxiety, fear, and suicidal thoughts.
Can I Sue My Doctor for a Never Event Injury?
When you put your trust and faith in a doctor or other healthcare professional, you have the right to expect care that meets or exceeds the acceptable standard of care. Never events do not meet the acceptable standard of care. They are examples of preventable medical errors that can be the basis of a medical malpractice claim.
If you are the victim of medical negligence in the form of a never event, you could be entitled to compensation for your damages, including:
- Medical expenses related to the injury or condition caused by the never event
- Physical pain and suffering
- Necessary medical equipment, including wheelchairs, walkers, prosthetics, etc.
- Vocational and rehabilitative therapies
- In-home health care and personal care
- Lost wages, income, and benefits
- Permanent injuries, impairments, and disabilities
- Mental anguish and emotional distress
- Disfigurement and scarring
- Loss of earning capacity or career opportunities
- Reduced quality of life and loss of enjoyment of life
Families who lose a loved one because of a never event may be compensated for a wrongful death claim.
The compensation for a medical malpractice claim or wrongful death claim cannot undo the damage caused by a never event. However, it can help the victims pay for necessary expenses and hold the parties responsible for their gross negligence.
What Should I Do if I Suspect My Doctor is Guilty of Medical Malpractice?
It is up to you to prove that a healthcare facility or medical professional committed a never event and you sustained damages because of the party’s actions or omissions. If you suspect that a healthcare provider caused you harm, contact an Atlanta medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible.
Georgia’s statute of limitations limits your time to file a claim. You will lose your right to hold a doctor or facility responsible for a never event if you wait too long to seek legal advice.
Contact Our Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Atlanta for a Free Consultation
Have you or a loved one been injured because of a medical mistake or medical negligence? If so, you deserve to be compensated for your financial losses, injuries, and other damages.
Call our law firm to schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta never event malpractice lawyer. We care about what happened to you and want to help you fight to make it right.