Atlanta Assault Injury Lawyer

If you’ve been assaulted in Atlanta, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries and suffering. Contact Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys, PC to find out how our experienced Atlanta assault injury lawyers might be able to help you maximize your financial recovery.
Our team understands how difficult this time must be for you, and we’ll go to great lengths to make things as easy as possible for you. Just give us a call today at 678-888-4878 to arrange a free consultation and learn more.
How Will Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Help Me After I’ve Been Assaulted?

After an assault, the person who attacked you might face criminal charges for their actions. Even if they are not charged with a crime, you can still decide to get a little bit of justice on your own. You can accomplish this by filing a civil assault injury lawsuit and holding your attacker personally responsible for the harm they’ve inflicted.
If your case is successful, you can hit them where it hurts – their wallet.
At Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys, our personal injury lawyers have a combined 80 years of legal experience. We know how important a financial recovery can be after an unexpected injury, and we do everything in our power to get results for our clients. That’s how we’ve recovered millions of dollars in settlements and awards from at-fault parties, insurance companies, and businesses.
When you’ve been assaulted, you can rest assured that Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys will be there for you. We’ll work diligently to secure compensation on your behalf by:
- Working with law enforcement as part of our investigation and information-gathering process;
- Review police reports, medical evaluations, and other pertinent evidence
- Interview witnesses
- Establish if someone other than your attacker might also be liable for your injuries
- Negotiate with opposing parties on your behalf, and
- Work closely with experts as we navigate the valuation process.
It’s simple – we want to help you navigate this very difficult time in your life. When you ask for our help, we’ll be there for you until your case is resolved. You can trust us to handle your legal claim while you focus on getting better. Just give us a quick call to schedule a free initial case assessment today.
Do I Have a Civil Assault & Battery Lawsuit?

Assault isn’t just a crime – it’s also an intentional tort. And, so is battery. An intentional tort means that you’ve suffered an injury because of someone else’s purposeful actions.
Someone intentionally violated your rights and now you’re suffering. When you’re the victim of a tort, you can potentially file a lawsuit to recover monetary damages from whoever caused you harm.
Civil Assault
In Georgia, an assault occurs “when all the apparent circumstances, reasonably viewed, are such as to lead a person reasonably to apprehend a violent injury from the unlawful act of another.” In other words, assault means that someone’s intentional actions made you reasonably fearful for your safety.
Physical contact is not required. All that is necessary is that you are reasonably fearful of imminent harm. You just have to be afraid that someone else is going to hurt you. In order to be successful in a civil assault case, you’ll have to prove that your fear was based on the fact that the other person could carry out their threat right then and there.
For example, let’s say Joe raised a broken bottle of beer and raised it in a threatening manner at Sam, who was standing just a few feet away. Sam might have a legitimate fear for his safety because Joe could easily hit him with the jagged bottle.
Civil Battery
Think of battery as a completed assault. Battery occurs when someone physically touches you (directly or indirectly) in a harmful or offensive way. In order to be successful in a civil battery case, you’ll have to prove that you’ve been touched without your consent in a way that physically harmed you or was done out of “anger, rudeness, or lust.”
Let’s go back to Joe and Sam. Sam might have a legitimate civil battery case if Joe swung the bottle and struck him.
Note that the burden of proof in civil cases is lower than in criminal cases. Criminal charges must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt for the state to convict. However, you can be awarded monetary damages by proving your civil assault or civil battery case by a preponderance of the evidence. This basically requires convincing a jury or judge that your side of the story is more likely than the other person’s.
We Handle All Assault Injury Cases in Atlanta, GA
Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys will help you navigate a personal injury lawsuit if you’ve been threatened or attacked in Atlanta. We represent clients who have been injured because of:
- A fight at a bar or nightclub
- A brawl at a sporting event
- Bullying at school
- Police misconduct or excessive force
- Sexual assault
- A mugging in a parking lot
- Other criminal assaults, or
- Domestic violence.
Our team is always available to take your call, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance after a traumatic incident in Atlanta. We’ll stick by your side and help you fight for financial justice.
Damages Commonly Awarded to Victims of Assault
The costs of an unexpected injury can be overwhelming. When you’ve been assaulted, the emotional trauma can make things exponentially worse. That’s why Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys will fight to hold all negligent parties accountable and secure maximum compensation on your behalf.
Damages that might be available to you include money for:
- Emotional distress
- Pain and suffering
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages and income
- Disability
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Disfigurement and scarring, and more.
We know the law inside and out, but we’re not experts on the technical aspects of your injury and suffering. So, we’ll bring in experts who can help us fully understand your case. Medical and mental health professionals can explain your injuries and illustrate how they might affect your life. With this knowledge in hand, we can be the most effective advocates for you.
Your Attacker Might Not Be the Only One Responsible For Your Injuries
Yes, you can sue the person who attacked you. However, keep in mind that you can only recover as much money as they have. Even if you win your case, they might not have the resources to pay you in full. So, our team will leave no stone unturned in searching for any other liable parties. In Georgia, you can demand compensation from anyone who contributes to your injuries.
Our first course of action will be to determine if you were injured because of negligent security measures. Property owners in Georgia have a responsibility to protect visitors and guests from harm. This includes foreseeable acts of third party violence.
To accomplish this, owners have to implement reasonable security measures. This might involve hiring security guards or installing surveillance cameras. Failure to do this can result in liability if there’s an assault or attack.
If you were injured by someone who happened to be working at the time, we’ll also attempt to establish if their employer might be liable for your injuries. Employers can often be accountable for employee conduct when they’re on the clock or if the employee was negligently hired.
Our team will look at your case from every angle in an effort to maximize your financial recovery.
Statute of Limitations for Assault Injury Lawsuits
Following an assault in Atlanta, Georgia, you’ll typically have up to two years to initiate a civil personal injury lawsuit for damages. There could be circumstances that give you more or less time to act. However, you will waive your right to recover compensation if you do not file your lawsuit on time.
This is why it’s often critical to speak with an assault attorney as soon as possible after an injury. Your assault lawyer in Atlanta can analyze your case, determine the applicable statute of limitations, and make sure that all deadlines are met on time.
Keep in mind that your civil case could be passed temporarily – or stayed – if your attacker is charged with criminal assault. A stay means that your case is put on hold until the criminal case is resolved (e.g., charges dropped, acquitted, plea deal, conviction). This gives the defendant the opportunity to focus all of their energy and resources on the criminal case.
Once the criminal case is over, your civil assault case can pick right back up. The results of the criminal matter won’t necessarily impact your case. However, a conviction can certainly be useful in establishing the elements of your civil assault case.
You Deserve an Experienced Atlanta Assault Injury Attorney
Contact Hasner Law Injury & Workers’ Compensation Attorneys if you’ve been assaulted or attacked in Atlanta, Georgia. Our compassionate legal team can help you demand the compensation you need and deserve. We offer a free consultation, so contact our law firm today to schedule yours.